At the Sports Bar and Grill in Las Vegas on Earth.
Nemean: “Welcome fans and TV viewers to the greatest wrestling development and reality
show around. This is your host with the most and I'm here to bring the best in entertainment
today. What a great show we had for you last time to introduce the show and what it is about.
We are now in our immunity stage of our show. One lucky fella is going to be immune from
our elimination round. Let's review our roster for those who missed the last show.”
Cephus 'O Reilly – Our producer with a great set of wrestling skills.
Julian Stevens – Stud movie actor wrestling hopeful.
Chet Dudebro – The douche bag stud rival looking to break into the sport as it's
next star. A known veteran of Reality shows.
Beer League – The Sport's jock that's looking to enter the sport of wrestling who
was on last season's Proven Grounds Wrestling show that almost won last season's
Proximity – The creepy gay dude who wrestles on occasion in the SOS Zone as the
partner of Andrea the Giant. Wouldn't want to be alone with him that's for sure.
Clifford Hauteur – The tech nerd that's great with technology and wants to break
into wrestling with a bang.
Stunning Steph – The hot chick who wrestles in the SOS Zone alone with Diva of Doom.
She does it on a part time basis. Hopefully she can break into full time if she can
win the Reality TV title.
Diva of Doom – The weird chick that not only wrestles regular in the SOS Zone as the
partner of Stunning Steph, but she is looking to win the Reality TV title to get a more
solid deal in the Z.
BA Jerk – A former MMA star that's president of his own fan club. Has Ginger Rogers
as a bodyguard. Was signed by Cephus at the beginning of season two, but legal trouble
has prevented him from joining until now. A bigger loudmouth than Chet Dudebro.
Nemean: “Did I read this correct? What's BA Jerk doing on the show?
Cephus 'O-Reilly: “I signed him to be on the show lizard boy. But stupid legal matters
kept him from appearing until now. He's clear to compete.”
Nemean: “Here we go with lizard boy again! Geez! , let's just get on with tonight's
show will ya.”
Cephus O' Reilly vs. Beer League
Note: Miss Sadie provided the needed distraction for Cephus to hit the BEST FINISHER
EVER. The ego driven producer wins this contest.
Chet Dudebro & Stunning Steph vs. Clifford Hauteur & Diva of Doom (Mixed Tag)
Note: This started out as a disagreement that went terribly wrong between Steph and Diva
of Doom. Clifford tried to cool things down by showing some cool computer displays. But
leave it to Chet to run his mouth throwing gas on the fire as they say to mess things up.
The two ladies took sides in this mixed tag match and Chet scored the winning pinfall by
hitting Clifford with COOL FINISHER BRO.
Proximity vs. Gordon G. Smack
Note: The advances made to Gordon didn't go very well as it offended him putting the two in
a barroom brawl. Gordon made short work of Proximity by hitting him with SMACK OF THE NIGHT.
Julian Stevens vs. BA Jerk
Note: It was finally discovered that BA Jerk was signed to the Reality TV Zone by Cephus
during it's start. But legal problems kept him from entering the GWFZ until now. With the okay
by the GWFZ front office, BA is allowed o make his debut. Julian Stevens didn't take kindly
the comments that was said to him and defeated the newcomer with RICH AND FAMOUS”
Ginger Rogers: “Who's this junkpile running the camera? I've seen better at a recycling plant!”
Nemean: “I think you really grinded his gears with that statement! I think he's getting ready
to meet you in the ring. But that match won't count for the immunity challenge. It's for bragging
Scrapheap vs. Ginger Rogers (Special Challenge)
Note: The bodyguard of BA Jerk really sparked the fuse of Scrapheap as he bulked himself
up to the max and took out his opponent with JUNKPILE. That should shut Ginger Rogers up
for the time being.
Nemean: “And now our match of matches. The immunity challenge.”
Cephus O' Reilly vs. Chet Dudebro vs. Gordon G. Smack vs. Julian Stevens
Note: This was the battle for immunity as whoever wins it cannot be eliminated in the
upcoming elimination round. The four winners from the regular contests took part in
this special fatal 4-way style match. Julian Stevens wins immunity by defeating Chet
Dudebro with RICH AND FAMOUS and will not be up for elimination on the next show. The
losing contestants will have one extra loss added to their wiin/loss record.
Nemean: “Congratulations to Julian Stevens for winning immunity. He will not be going to
elimination. The question is, who will be the ones going to the elimination round? Will
it be Clifford Hauter, Cephus 'O Reilly, or Proximity? They are at that dangerous two
loses. And that about does it for the show. Tune in next time for more great drama and
action that only the Reality TV Zone can bring you. This is Nemean signning off.
Julian Stevens (2-1)
Won ImmunityChet Dudebro (2-1)
Gordon G. Smack (2-1)
Clifford Hauteur (0-2)*
Beer League (1-1)
Proximity (0-2)*
Stunning Steph (1-0)
Diva of Doom (0-1)
BA Jerk (0-1)
*This counts toward going into the elimination round. The first two with three straight loses
will be voted on to see who faces a physical challenge from The Game to possibly avoid elimination.
The other will have a chance to move on in the show. All rounds usually three shows apiece with a
possible fourth to settle any tiebreakers.
*Next Stop - Independent Wrestling Zone*