card # 1203/2123
(WARNING!!! There may or may not be some PROMOTER MADNESS 3 teasers tied into this card. Read only if you want some inside scoops posted no where else. You have been WARNED!)
Hosted by Mot and Kram with Johnny Rocket
*The end of the season festivities for the GWFZ are announced by Mot, Kram and Johnny Rocket! Details include:
*The GWFZ will enter their off season in two weeks. This not only gives the Z stars a chance to rest and recover, but gives the greatest fans in the galaxy the opportunity to concentrate solely on the GWF, as the Z goes into off season mode, signing new stars, and blazing new trails into 2123...
*The Final Z card of the season comes at us on card #1206.
END ZONE II will happen live, from Champions Hall! The Main Event features Strong defending the
GWFZ TITLE vs. the winner of tonights Main Event, Pride vs. Narcotik!
*Highlights of Strong capturing the
GWFZ TITLE from Overtime at card # 1200,
BFC 40 are shown on the Tom O Tron.
*Strong comes out to a thunderous pop! The new champion says it's "Strong!" that the Stanley Cup has been brought home to "The D!" several times, but this is the first time the
GWFZ TITLE has ever been brought home to "The D!".
Strong says he doesn't care who he defends the title vs. at
END ZONE II. Strong says whether it's Pride, or Naroctik, the chances of him retaining his title are - "STRONG!"
All of a sudden a milky way sized groan comes over Champions Hall as Hegemony, micro phone in hand, comes out through the curtain...
Hegemony: Excuse me! Excuse me! I have something to say!
Strong: Not strong.
Hegemony: Strong, you big dummy. You think you're done with me just because you're the champion now? Hardly! I might have to wait until mid 2123 to get my hands on you again but when I do, you'll wish you never messed with the intellectual mastermind - Hegemony!
Strong: I doubt that.
Hegemony (slowly stepping into the ring): Doubt me all you want. But in 2123 I've got a BIG surprise for you. Your days as the biggest and the strongest fighter in the GWFZ, are coming to an end! In 2123, Hegemony will be one half of the next best tag team in all of wrestling, TREE HOUSE!
Strong: Tree House?
Hegemony: YES! Tree House!
Strong: Kind of dumb to be honest.
Hegemony: Wrong! It's brilliant and wait until you see why! In 2123, it will be Tree House vs. Strong and it will be the last year you ever push me around again!
Strong: Well, if that's the case I may as well beat you up now.
All the a sudden Strong grabs Hegemony by the throat, and hits him with a Strong Forearm Ravager, then STRONG!
Hegemony, like usual when in a ring with Strong, is left dead on his back.
Kram: I have to wonder what Hegemony has planned for Strong in 2123...
Mot: Whatever it is, it better be strong. Pun intended.
Kram: Give me a break!
Strong leaves the ring, stands atop the ramp and holds the
GWFZ TITLE over his head once more before disappearing into the back...
*Motor Psycho beats Harm with HELL'S ANGEL after Harm blows out his knee...
after the match, Harm needs help from the ring...
Kram: You gotta believe the Z officials might want to cut Harm loose in 2123. The guy is good but he's a real liability in the ring. If he ever cripples himself in a Z ring, that wouldn't make the Z look good knowing full well of his injury and letting him continue to fight.
Mot: If the guy wants to ruin his knee let him ruin his knee. Who cares! Let him fight!
Kram: I don't know. Harm is top contender in the Z, but that might not be enough to keep him on the roster in 2123. He's hurt and it might be time for him to step away.
*Cuddley Claw is in the back with his newest ally.............The Dark Star Creature!
For months DSC has been warming up to the other Ani Men in the GWFZ, namely Cuddley Claw! So much so that DSC's shock collar has been adjusted! No longer does the shock collar send off violent shocks to submit the beast when he is out of control. Instead, when DSC is outside of the ring, the collar sends off a dull, constant shock that keeps Dark Star Creature calm and relaxed. But when it's bell time, the collar is turned off and the beast is let loose! Once the match is over, his collar is turned back on, and DSC goes back to being calm and relaxed! And the best part is DSC no longer has issued handlers like some kind of mental patient. The new man in charge of the shock collar controls is none other than his brand new buddy, Cuddley Claw himself!
Claw and DSC head to the ring together for Claw's up coming match...
*Saint Bernard retains his
after the match Bernard prepares to humiliate Cuddley Claw with Hardcore Baptism, but Claw reaches for the shock collar remote control, and shuts the collar off! Dark Star Creature transforms into the monster he is and storms the ring! Saint Bernard takes off, and Claw keeps DSC at bay, eventually turning the collar back on and escorting his new partner and protector from the ring...
*Varsity w/ Sabre, is a DQ. winner over Torn after feeling TRAUMATIZED!
*Xiongmao pins Umagapotamus after PANDAMONIUM two consecutive times! Huge victory!
*The make shift tag team of Ensor and Morbid defeat The Headliners in an awesome match when Ensor pins Grillz with ERUPTION OF THARSIS!
and in the Main Event...
*Narcotik pins Pride with NEEDLE AND THE SPOON to become the no. 1 contender to the